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Leadership & Management Course
“The most dangerous phrase in the English language is ‘we have always done it this way.’ ”
Dr. Grace Hopper, US Navy Rear Admiral and Computer Scientist
Join us for three days in June!
Reserve your space for this leadership course June 22 - 24. (22 hours total)
About the Event
In this Leadership and Management Course for Tech Professionals from the University of Alberta and Technology Alberta, you will receive world-class instruction from Cristina Stasia PH.D. Cristina is trained in Public Leadership, with a focus on adaptive leadership, at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She teaches, trains, and coaches at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels including for the Adaptive Leadership Network, the Broad Institute, Sunwah (Hong Kong), and municipalities across Alberta.
Engineering industries and the way we need to lead to meet the demands of our increasingly complex world have changed drastically. It is time for how we practice leadership to catch up. This program will help you and your
Adaptive challenges are complex, both in how to identify them and—especially—how to make progress on them. They require changes in values, beliefs, attitudes, relationships, and behaviours. Through a combination of experiential learning, live case analysis, peer groups, lecture, and reflection, we will show you, not just tell you, how to pace change and build your own and your organization’s adaptive capacity.
Leadership Coaches support your leadership development throughout the course.
Each leadership coach leverages their academic expertise, leadership training, and industry experience to provide focused, personalized coaching in peer groups and course meeting breakouts. They also share their leadership lessons and failures from diverse areas, including STEM, the Canadian Armed Forces, law, and business.
Course Competencies & Core Skills:
- Effective decision making
- Test ideas through experiments to assess and manage risk
- Recognize and manage biases and personal values in problem-solving
- Organizational development, including how to engage stakeholders and opponents
- Design actionable strategies to address complex leadership challenges in organizations
- Manage diverse teams effectively
- Reflect critically on leadership, learning, and development experiences
- Strategic thinking and decision making
- How to mobilize change that is effective and sustainable
- Create a solid and inclusive organizational culture
- Embrace and learn from failure
Included with the course:
- Harvard-Kennedy School trained adaptive leadership instructor: Dr. Cristina Stasia
- Outstanding guest leadership coaches with real-world experience in diverse fields including engineering, scientific research, and law
- Tour and networking mixer details TBA
- 22 hours of Course Instruction (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and post-course follow-up). Schedule details TBA
- Certificate of Completion for Industry Course on Adaptive Leadership & Management for Tech Professionals granted by Technology Alberta
- Opportunity to access and network with local tech entrepreneurial leaders
- 3:1 attendee/instructor ratio
- All course materials
- Peer group coaching
- “Cheat sheets” with each core concept and discussion questions so you can continue the work with your teams
- Catered lunches and coffee/tea
- I <3 Alberta TECH Golf Shirt in your size (See our marketplace for photos)
Sign up now to learn together with your community of Alberta tech professionals! Companies who have already participated include: Onlea, HealthGauge, Areto Labs, DevFacto, and more. Register before June 1, 2023 for early bird pricing. Multi-ticket pricing is also available.
Note: Course cost can be covered through the Canada-Alberta Job Grant for training. Here is a detailed course outline for your information and to assist in grant applications.
What and Why is Adaptive Leadership
Enhance Individual & Collective Leadership
Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky developed adaptive leadership at Harvard
University as a direct intervention in the inadequacies of dominant leadership
theories for our increasingly complex and interconnected world. Adaptive
leadership focuses on building individual and collective leadership capacity to
solve problems and make decisions.
Peer Group Coaching
The primary practice of adaptive leadership is “getting on the balcony” with a peer group to do a case diagnostic. We will help participants build this practice to ensure the sustainability of adaptive work in their leadership practice and/or organization. Each participant will prepare a case study of a current leadership challenge or past leadership failure at each meeting to help the case presenter —and thus the organization—get out of their own way. Each peer group meeting will conclude with a reflection question connected to that week’s course material.
Connect with local entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders.
What others are saying
“It gave me a lot of confidence. To be in a cohort of such smart and capable leaders and seeing them digest content with me and to provide all different real examples to discuss was priceless!” ~ Miranda Amey
“Enlightening and practical”
~ Ken Hanasyk
“Better coaching ability and looking at situations with a different viewpoint.”
~ Lenora Thomas
“Improved my mentorship skills and approach.”
~ Arthur Kloc