Multiple Work Term Lengths Provide Value
While many companies are familiar with the traditional 4-month and 8-month (or longer) co-op work terms many post-secondary students participate in, the value of shorter work terms cannot be overlooked, particularly for start-up and scale-up companies. The Technology Alberta FIRST Jobs WIL Program has secured over 750 work placements of varying length, with Alberta tech companies of varying sizes and stages.
The FIRST Jobs Program began with a part-time-while-in-school work placement program (10 hours/week), a 200-hour work term in April 2021, and then added a 250-hour (and longer work terms) in Spring 2023.
Company feedback on the value of the shorter placements – was that it provided them the opportunity to test different approaches and cultural fits, and to hire more students. What a way to grow innovation and talent at the same time!