So right on schedule, the fun has started – as I am reading this Newbyte today, from Calgary in time for Stampede
So many events, so little time – it is exciting to see how Calgary can bring business and community together under a theme like Stampede. It is less about the theme, but more about building pride in community, being inclusive with a low barrier to entry, and having value for all. When all it takes to join in is to – bring a hat or kerchief and a good attitude, and then you are greeted with city-wide-Country-hospitality – how can you resist? More than an ‘excuse for a party’ it is an ‘excuse to have a party’, and at a time where the culture is to participate – supporting community, tradition, and local business. Of course a good “Critical Mass’ to build pride around, is the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth – the actual Calgary Stampede.
This is what we are all doing collectively for Alberta’s Innovation Community. Technology Alberta is trying to do our part by generating pride and building community through making visible the Alberta-wide critical mass of:
– hundreds of hiring entrepreneurial tech companies collected in our ABTEC5000 company directory, to attract talent and grow our companies,
– hundreds of innovators through the ASTech Awards which brings many leading entrepreneurs and researchers together in-person, along with government funders and large industry customers, students, investors and champions.
So on that note, thank you to everyone who supports the growth of Alberta’s tech sector. To the many, many people who have asked how they can support our efforts – consider Sponsoring or Buying Tickets to our events, orformally Joining Technology Alberta – as we partner to support Alberta’s entrepreneurial tech companies.
Thanks everyone – we cannot do this without you, and we wouldn’t want to!
See you soon,
Gail J. Powley, P.Eng
President, Technology Alberta