Engaging at a province-wide level is always energizing – as we are learning all the time.
So who in the province is “lifting all up”? Through the Alberta Regional Innovation Network, we are happy to share 2 stories, which take us from Northern Alberta. to one of our most Southern regions:
- Tracy Persson of Grande Prairie – breast-cancer survivor and indigenous entrepreneur of My Breast Day and champion of creating better health outcomes for all women – including those in northern regions and on reservations.
- Patty Rooks, and the Praxis team in SE Alberta – celebrating over 30 years of STEM outreach in rural communities, with 2nd generation volunteers who now include people with Master’s degrees in physics.
So in addition to cheering these Champions on at the ASTech Awards – and honoring them with well-earned recognition, supporting them through the Innovation Ecosystem programs – what else can be done? Well there is something that we can all do – we can donate to these organizations, as we all have the power to make a difference with them:
- Tracy is working in partnership with the Grande Prairie Hospital Foundation – and the Alberta Cancer Foundation on a $1.5 million fund-raiser to support a portable mammogram unit. This unit would provide better health outcomes for women and their families on reservations – where currently affected women are not diagnosed until they are at a late stage.
- And Praxis who works with hundreds of volunteers has low foundational funding – but appreciates and relies on any corporate or individual support to cover the costs of Volunteer Coordination and their events at rural communities and regional schools.
So that is it everyone – at a time when it seems hard for any one person to make a difference, we do not have to look far – to find people who are making a difference every day, and who are inviting us to join them and are just ‘1 click away’. Thank you all for your help – in supporting champions like Tracy and Patty – who are making a difference for so many.. “one starfish at a time”.
Thank you all – for your support of millions of starfish – that is the difference we can make together!
Yours in Community,
Gail J. Powley, P.Eng
Executive Director, ASTech Awards
President, Technology Alberta
[email protected]