President’s Note |
The importance of community, the importance of celebration – and the beauty of it all coming together! So in all of my excitement of announcing the upcoming 33rd Annual ASTech Awards – which many of us have attended many, many times – I have not given an ASTech 101 Primer. (Note: for a full background and list of 33 years of Award Winners see What are the ASTech Awards?The Alberta Science, Technology and Leadership Awards (ASTech) is where the Rock Stars of Alberta Innovation are recognized – in Alberta’s own “Academy Awards-style Event” – Inspiring Innovation, through celebrating outstanding achievements by Alberta’s world-class researchers, innovative tech companies, and outstanding collaborations Why are they Important?The ASTech Awards is the “Best of All Worlds” bringing together innovation champions from Government, Academia, Industry, and Entrepreneurship – recognizing that all have a key role to play in our community: as funders, policy makers, researchers, business people, job creators, risk takers, talent-developers, and more. In the areas of discovery and innovation – there are no spectators. When we celebrate ‘achieving great heights’, all are moved, inspired, and motivated. Value is delivered in so many ways: furthering knowledge, launching and growing companies, creating jobs, building networks of collaboration, creating role models – and growing Alberta’s Reputation as an Innovation Generator and Destination. Why do we enjoy them? Every year – it is like celebrating the making of history in Alberta, through innovation. We want to meet the world-class researchers in many areas, like for example AI/ML’s Dr. Rich Sutton, and entrepreneurs that are applying his concepts – and he wants to meet them too! Please join us, and leaders in Industry, Government, Academia, and Entrepreneurship – and be inspired, grow your networks, collaborate, and then look forward to continuing this tradition by coming back the following year, and doing it again. The ASTech Awards is where new friends meet one year, and become old friends by the next. Sounds a lot like how to build a community of innovation – and yes Alberta has been doing this for 33 years. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants – so come out and meet the Giants! This has been a great year for innovation, with more to come! And Remember – do your part to Inspire Innovation in Alberta – by sponsoring, attending, or nominating a worthy candidate in research teams, in entrepreneurial companies, in customer-companies. Nominations Deadline is September 15. There is something that we can all do, so lets do it – it takes a community! |
Gail Powley, P. Eng President, Technology Alberta [email protected] |