Hiring – and How to Attract Young Graduates to your Alberta Tech Company
We do live in interesting times.
Last year – in the midst of the economic challenges brought on by COVID – one of the greater workforce issues was experienced by young graduates, who weathered a tougher job search period due to the reduction of traditional job opportunities. Thankfully, Alberta’s tech sector was able to jump in and provide many opportunities – due to rapid sector growth.
However, the tables are turned this year – where now the companies are experiencing a double-dose of workforce issues and are addressing a shortage of talent at all levels – due to global phenomena such as the Great Resignation creating employee retention problems, as well as the exciting growth in the tech sector creating the need for greater talent attraction.
So what to do? Well FIRST things first (sorry for the Technology Alberta Program pun) – I took the opportunity to ask the outstanding new graduates and young job seekers who are amongst the FIRST Jobs program participants and new volunteers – What should employers do to attract young talent? Here is a sample of their advice (and note – none of their suggestions involved money!)
- “Get the word out – that we have a GREAT Tech Sector here in Alberta, and there is no need to move anywhere else for that exciting tech job” Authors Comment: Music to my ears to hear that from our youth!! (Part of our) Mission Accomplished! - Entry-level Employee-friendly Employers: Make it clear that your organization welcomes young talent. For years now that has not been the message - and new grads have found the ‘1-5 years experience needed’ requirements impossible to break through. - Create Inviting Career Postings: Finding a job is a stressful time for any new grad, or experienced personnel alike. As everyone knows – it is not just the job you are committing to, it is the culture of your new workplace. Add your company’s personality and purpose into the posting – attracting candidates with shared values and mission.
Want to hear more? Technology Alberta is happy to share our learnings at an upcoming webinar – based on our recent experience of successfully working with over 100 entrepreneurial Alberta Tech companies, and helping them find enthusiastic Alberta talent from our great local universities – through initiatives such as the on-going (and still open) FIRST and NExT Level programs
- Thursday, Februrary 24th, 11AM-12noon: Free Business Advisory e-Session Topic: Strategic Hiring for Alberta Tech Companies – Funding and Practices.
- Speaker: Debra Greig, Transformana; Gail Powley, Technology Alberta
- Register to attend here.
So join us – we always enjoy meeting with you, and Thank you all – for everything you do to build community and Alberta’s growing tech sector!
Gail J. Powley, P.Eng
President, Technology Alberta
[email protected]