Thank you all who were able to join us in Calgary for the Sold-Out Grande Opening of the 35th Annual ASTech Awards. Really appreciated all the social media shout-outs and words of support, as Technology Alberta works with partners, in our co-re-founding role of Presenting Sponsor – building community through celebration of the Finalists, and integration of Industry, Government, Academia, and Entrepreneurs – knowing that all have an important role to play, in building a collaborative Innovation Community in Alberta.
Join us inEdmonton on Friday, November 1 for the35th ASTech Awards Gala – Awards and Innovation Showcase – Earlybird Tickets Deadline is today (October 7).
So what can every one of us do? Come out to events, bring a friend or colleague – and introduce them into your new and growing networks. Even when you have been in the innovation system for many years, it is important to go out to events like the ASTech Awards and meet the hundred’s of contributors and champions – some in new roles, or some that just have new perspectives and would like to “see you again”. With the many challenges we all have in our schedules – it is hard to have as many 1-on-1 meetings as we like, and thus the ASTech Awards is one of the year’s great “All-in-One” opportunities: to celebrate; welcome new people into your network; and Join us in Lifting all Up.
Congratulations again to our 80 finalists across over 20 categories – ranging from sector excellence in Agriculture to AI to Aerospace, to the strength of diversity seen through Indigenous Entrepreneurs to Young Change Makers to Women in Innovation – and then the celebration of collaboration, through Alberta-wide Champions of Innovation, and the community we are all building with Industry, Government, Academia, and Entrepreneurs..
It’s time to Celebrate, time to Build Community, it is time to Join us!
Thank you all – and looking forward to seeing you on Friday, November 1,
– Gail J. Powley, P.Eng President, Technology Alberta and Executive Director, ASTech Awards
ASTech Alumni – and New Sponsor, Mohamed Elhabiby, Robogarden and Micro Engineering Tech
“Thank you so much for the fantastic ASTech Grand Opening event, it was truly amazing.”
Community that is Joining Us!
Hundreds of innovation champions from across Alberta will be at the ASTech Awards Gala including: Tracy Persson, Entrepreneur (My Breast Day) and Finalist, Grande Prairie; Randy DuGuay Experienced Entrepreneur (healthtech) and Board Member, Wade Chute, Mentor, Finalist (agriculture); Genome Alberta, Lethbridge Polytechnic (VR Team – Finalists); Weyerhaeuser, Drayton Valley (Finalists); Myrna and Dean Bittner, RUNWITHIT (Winners); ATCO Energy; FluidBioMed; Carepros (finalists); Solange Gagnebin, ISAIC; Eric Flaim, nanoFAB; University of Calgary, University of Alberta, Norquest, Olds College; Praxis (Medicine Hat); Alberta Innovates; PrairiesCan; NRC-IRAP, ERA, Athabasca University, Edmonton Global, Red Deer Polytechnic, Annette Trimbee, President, MacEwan University and more.