Growing our Tech Sector by being a Province of Collaborative Early Adopters
This was a good week for Alberta’s Innovation Eco-system – as not only was there an important high-tech Drone Conference held in Medicine Hat, sponsored by Alberta Innovates but it was held with Pan-Alberta viewing parties via live-stream.
Alberta is a Canadian leader in Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS or drones)- with applications ranging from Agriculture to Safety.
But beyond the conference content – was the leadership shown by the APEX Regional Innovation Network Manager in Medicine Hat. They not only championed the conference, but successfully rallied all Regional Innovation Networks to host local viewing parties. Nothing is more high-pressure, than a live conference held-together by technology and internet bandwidth. And also, hats off, to the collaborative early-adopters – the leaders of the other 7 Regions. Not only did they host, but they rode out the initial technical glitches, constantly providing supportive e-feedback, letting them know we were all in this together, and managing their local audiences.
So let’s do more of this and be a province of collaborative early adopters, championing both our tech companies and innovation leaders – as that is how we will make real progress in growing our tech sector,
Congratulations to all,
Gail Powley, P. Eng
President, Technology Alberta
[email protected]