NEW: Accepting Applications
Supporting business and technology development
The Industry r&D Associates Program focuses on high potential, high growth, Alberta’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with innovative technology or knowledge-based solutions looking to expand the technical expertise on their team. The Industry r&D Associates Program helps you to:
- Accelerate and progress the development of new technology and innovative solutions
- Attract and retain technical expertise
- De-risk the development and scaling of innovative products
Qualified applicants may apply to receive up to $105,000 in non-dilutive funding to help cover salary costs over a one-year term. Applicants must commit a minimum 25% cash contribution of the total annual base salary.
Supporting Alberta SMEs with a strong Alberta footprint
Eligible applicants must be Alberta-based with technologies in the early-mid developmental stages. In some cases, this may include late developmental stages. Determine your Technology Readiness Level.
Additionally, eligible applicants must be in the financial position to commit a minimum 25% cash contribution of the total eligible project cost.
Read the full program here.