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Purpose of the Program
FIRST (First Industry Research Science Technology) Jobs offers meaningful work experience for a current student or recent graduate of an Alberta post-secondary institution while supporting the growth of Alberta’s SME Tech Sector.
Relevant professional topics are situated in the context of the workplace and are offered as a vehicle to enhance workplace performance – both for young professionals and for the companies themselves.
Eligible Technology Companies
- Operating and registered in Alberta and/or has a significant Alberta presence with offices in the province
- Must be a small-to-medium-sized enterprise (SME, under 100 employees)
- Able to provide meaningful work experience to a student, including by providing mentorship and support
- Will develop one or more projects to be completed over the program work term.
- Are working in the tech sector to bring innovation to the province, creating advanced technologies as their core business
Company Commitment
- Pay their young professional before program reimbursement. (Eg. $2000 – After week 10 (Reimbursed 2-4 weeks later); Remaining $2000 After Week 20 (Also reimbursed 2-4 weeks later)
- Employ their young professional at an appropriate level (ex. junior) for the program duration
- Provide mentorship and guidance to their young professional throughout the work term
- Participate in a Company Showcase once during their respective cohort
Possible Projects
Appropriate Project Topics/Roles include (but are not limited to):
Value for Companies
- Meet promising new talent for possible future employment
- Become a mentor to a student aspiring to work in Alberta’s tech sector
- Grow their networks with the other 50 tech companies and the 50 youth participants
- Learn about Alberta’s tech community through information and panel sessions with other FIRST Jobs participants
- Various levels of funding support and matching requirements
For more information subscribe to our free newsletter
For questions about the program or the application form, please contact our program staff at: [email protected]
The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services.